Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ,
so that whether I come and see you or am absent,
I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit,
with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.

Friday, August 24, 2012

It's not about feelings.

Sometimes I just don't feel it. Whatever "it" is suppose to feel like...
Sometime I just don't feel that close to God, or feel his presence as strongly as I have in the past. As if there is something that has trapped me and is keeping me from feeling the full power of His presence. An unavoidable feeling that is far from escape.

Am I humbly confessing any sin in my heart that may be standing between God and I?

Am I praying that God would give me more of a desire for His heart, His glory and truth?

The answer would be, absolutely, I am. But yet I am still just not feeling "it." But can we ever really trust our feelings? My heart is an idol making machine, I am bent to pursue things of this world. Even though God has given me a new heart, my flesh and spirit will be in battle, waging war against each-other until I die. Therefore, my heart is not trustworthy of making decisions based on how I feel.

Salvation is not based on feelings, it's based on truth, Jesus, the gospel. Salvation is based on the fact that God imputed righteousness in me, adopted me into His family through Jesus and nothing on earth or in heaven can break that bond- nothing.

It is absolutely absurd to doubt my salvation and rob God of His glory because I am just not feeling "it." God is God, regardless of how I feel. However, I have something far more precious than feelings. I have the Spirit, the same spirit that searches the depths of a incomprehensible God. (1 Corinthians 2:10) Given as a gift from the Father to His beloved child, sealed forever, completely and utterly trustworthy. And I will be lead by Him, even when I don't feel "it." Rest assured, I am His. That simple statement will always bring me to my knees in worship and complete surrender.

Nothing can snatch you from your Fathers hand, even when you may be feeling like He's not there, He is. Ask God to open up your heart and to give you the desire to love Him more. Be obedient, stay in The Word and pray like crazy. Be obedient children, because out of love comes obedience. (John 14:15)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jesus loves

Yes, Jesus loves me.

It's a simple song sung by many children throughout the decades and it will continue to be, but how profound the meaning of this is. I remember as a child singing this song, singing only because it was an easy song to remember. If only I would have understood what all Jesus' love for me meant.

That once simple verse, is now my meaning for life. 
Jesus loves me.
A sinner, uncleaned, undeserving, broken, battered, searching and seeking destruction.
He loved me anyway.

Yes, Jesus loves me so much that He thought of me, knew me and made me in His image.
Yes, Jesus loves me so much that  He created me to glorify Him forever, fully knowing that in doing so I would be completely satisfied and happy in Him.
Yes, Jesus loves me so much that He became sin, who knew no sin, so that I might live in righteousness.
Yes, Jesus loves me so much that He bore the wrath of God that was meant for me.
Yes, Jesus loves me so much that He rose three days later and sent the spirit to dwell in His people.
Yes, Jesus loves me so much that He is coming back one day.
Yes, Jesus loves me so much that I will be spending eternity with Him, in awe and astounded of Him.

Jesus' love isn't just a simple song to sing. Jesus' love is an indescribable, incomprehensible thing.
I do not know what all this love entails, but I am fully willing to spend the rest of my life finding out.