Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ,
so that whether I come and see you or am absent,
I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit,
with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Results of My Winter Break part1

I've taken some photos of things that make me happy. 

For example, the little Christmas tree in my apartment.
Kudos to Lauren for bringing it.

bright lights make me joyful.

I spent some time baking. Baking things that did not turn out as expected.
Do not use milk chocolate when making buckeyes, it is too thick! Lesson Learned.  
I call this the buckeye mess, goes well with our team this year. 

I was able to spend time with my wonderful sister.

Yes, she is wearing swimming goggles while preparing dinner. 
Which I thought was absolutely hilarious.

 I pulled an all nighter baking some treats for some church family.
 (I had way more treats, just didn't take pictures.)

so yummy.
The buckeyes that actually look like buckeyes.
Yep, that's basically my winter break so far. Oh and I've done a ridiculous amount of reading. 
But no need for pictures of that.

 I hope everyone is having a wonderful December so far! Let's celebrate the birth of our Savior with praise and thankfulness!

                                                      Results of Winter Break part2 coming soon to theaters near you

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Running In Circles

Life can be so formidable.

It can also be uncontrollable. Things happen when you don't want them to and there's nothing you can possibly do to stop them. In the moment it seems terrifying. Then time goes by, and the awfulness, doesn't seem as awful as it once was. Life continues.

But that doesn't change the effect it has on you. Situations, people, things, they change you forever. I am constantly learning day by day, never knowing what may be next. 

Once upon a time, I thought I had it all figured out. What I would do with my life, oh, the things I would accomplish. But feelings change, thoughts grow and emotions fade. Things I once desired, I no longer do. Things that didn't really matter, I now cling to. My thoughts and emotions constantly change. I sin and take pleasure in sin. I am human. 

When God changed my heart it didn't mean that I would live a perfect life. It just meant that I would have to cling and trust in him for every little detail in my messed up life. It meant that I would constantly be repenting from sins, sins He already knew I would commit. Continually praying for Him to change my heart and to make it more like His. Praising and thanking Him, even when everything seems like it's falling apart. Loving Him and out of that love, obeying Him. And trusting that through the trials and pain, He has everything planned in His perfect will, in His perfect timing.

So as my messy life continues, I will continually cling and trust in Him. 
Jesus is the only one that brings me happiness. 
Why would I keep running in circles when it's been Him all along. He is my reason for life.