Lord, remind me that my emotions do not change you, that you remain faithful and true.
Despite my feelings, You remain good with grace deeper than the ocean blue.
Remind me Lord of Your truth, that I am sealed forever.
Guaranteed with an inheritance, eternally Yours, fettered.
Lord, remind me that I am free in Christ, although I may feel enslaved,
that I have been given freedom by your blood and a Spirit to obey.
Lord, remind me that I am not my own, that I lay my life down.
The very same way you did years ago, along with the thorns of a crown.
Lord, remind me that all things are perishable, that things will not last,
that only you are everlasting, future, present and past.
Lord, remind me that I am of worth, holy and blameless in Your sight.
Although I may feel ashamed, You have declared me right.
Lord, again remind me of Your unconditional love, that I am viewed as a treasured jewel,
and Lord press upon my heart an unceasing love for you.
Lord, remind me of Your glory, the immeasurable riches of your grace,
that You are holy and set apart, and the reason I run this race.