In the beginning of the year I attended Passion 2011 in Atlanta Georgia, it was an amazing conference and I recommend everyone to go to it. But today I sat down and listened to a sermon Francis Chan preached at Passion. It was so awesome, honest and convicting. Francis read Philippians 1:27 and it got me thinking about how my life is suppose to resemble Christ’s life. If I had to ask myself that very question, “Does my life resemble Christ’s?” Would I be able to say “Yes. It does.”
Philippians 1:27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.
Now if you really think about it can you honestly say “Yes, my life matches up to the gospel.” I don’t think I would be being honest if I said mine did exactly. Because if I truly believed in the gospel then I believe that there is a hell. A place full of nothing but suffering and destruction. Why in the world would I want the ones that I claim I care about to go there. If I honestly care for my friends and family who are not believers, wouldn’t I be out there trying to tell them of God’s amazing love and grace to save them from the place of torture. If I am truly in love with Jesus like I say I am, then wouldn't I want to do nothing in my life but glorify, honor and worship him. Just to make his name known to the world.
Sometimes I feel like I get content with my relationship with Christ, which is something none of us should ever want to feel. If I want my life to look like Christs I shouldn't be afraid to speak the gospel. Even if I am persecuted, rejected and hated I would know that I received those things for Christ‘s name and my life would start to look more like Christ’s. One thing we must remember is that Jesus was beaten, tortured, mocked and murdered. Even though he went city to city performing miracles and helping people, in the end he didn't receive love from all, instead he received death. Being a follower of Christ I should expect to suffer and I should be happy to, because If I do I’m becoming more Christ like, I should rejoice in that.
I want my life to change so drastically, I want my life to match up to the gospel. I no longer care if I am rejected or disliked, If I can help anyone experience God’s goodness, love and mercy then it’s worth it. I want everyone to know what it feels like to fall in love with God, the creator of universe. It is the most amazing feeling in the world. In America 76% of people identify themselves as Christians. But what we don’t realize is that in other countries such as China and India people are being killed if they claim to be Christian. They lose their family, their homes, they risk so much and yet they continue to live for him even when they are losing everything. If you were to risk losing your possessions, your friends, family and your life would you still claim that you are a Christian or would you deny that “title.” I hope that you would cling to Christ, I pray that you wouldn’t deny him. Because He is the only one who can fulfill you, He is the one who gives you life. But some of you may doubt that you would still claim Him and that is exactly why I am writing this note. Like I said I want everyone to fall in love with Christ, I’ve completely given my life to Christ and I’ve never felt more peace and happiness in my life. I've heard in scripture and in songs the phrase “Lose your life just so you can find it.” and I never understood what that meant, until about year and a half ago. I’ve found my life finally and now I just want my friends, my family and everyone to find their lives also.
Sorry this note took longer than expected, but I just want lives to start changing including my own. I want to make God’s name famous to the nations, even if I risk everything or lose it all.
Jesus is worth it.